Schizoid Personality Disorder More Condition_symptoms Where Does One Know Where Extreme Introversion End And Schizoid Personality Disorder Begin?

Where does one know where extreme introversion end and Schizoid Personality Disorder begin? - schizoid personality disorder more condition_symptoms

Many of the symptoms of SPD are extreme versions of the fundamental nature of the introverted type. (Revocation of most people in the stillness of the room, not much to talk about, etc. ..) What is the difference between the two?


Andre M said...

The only difference is that extreme. From what I remember, people with schizoid personality is quietly pleased with themselves, while introverts people are uncomfortable not suitable in May on the po

Andre M said...

The only difference is that extreme. From what I remember, people with schizoid personality is quietly pleased with themselves, while introverts people are uncomfortable not suitable in May on the po

Naguru said...

Normal and unpretentious. Be easy. Not seriously questioned. The question led to doubts or suspicions. It is clear that the only recorded. Do not try to complicate life. Life is simple. We should not force (life) difficult or burdensome. If something is unclear to this day it may become clear when the situation matures.

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