Smoke Oven Deluxe When A Self Cleaning Oven Is Working Will Or Should It Smoke Up The House?

When a self cleaning oven is working will or should it smoke up the house? - smoke oven deluxe

I put my oven self-cleaning and cleaning of the smoke was everywhere ThSt is normal? I've never used before one and did not know what to look themselves in the implementation of clean


Derek said...

If it's a mess in fat, yes, it smokes. The cleaning mode is that the highest temperature setting possible within a given period. There is literally nothing left to burn designed as crisp as can scrape and sweep the ashes. Unless you just left a lot of fat things that do not treat me with a little smoke.
Good luck!

Rich Z said...

No smoking is usually not excessive.

However, if you an abnormal amount of discharge that may occur. The next time, or wait too long or not clean up the worst pollution before the start of the cleaning cycle. If you do not want that you have all that and the kitchen extractor fan, you must follow this step.

Jeancomm... said...

When the oven is old and dirty, he will. Before the next time, clean, try removing a coal in bulk from the floor.

bornfree said...

This happens when you have an outbreak in the oven, so clean before you use the same towel for oil or grease with a paper towel or cloth. Turn on the fan and you will be good, you have the bookshelves of heat yellowing, if they do. and keep the light of your stove. While the oven is clean, open the windows, so you can either use a fan to circulate the air. Well, let me give you some tips on how to clean the grates / I cover a large plastic bag and placed in racks and smoke oven cleaner spray, close the bag and if the self-cleaning oven, shelves and thoroughly in the sink and That is all. But whatever you NEVER use oven cleaner on self cleaning oven will be ruined. I love my oven save me a lot of work, and I will never again in the old ways!

Joanne A. said...

Do you have liquid on the floor of the oven? This could be the problem.

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