Homemade Torture Devises Bloodier Legacy - Muslims Or Christians?

Bloodier legacy - Muslims or Christians? - homemade torture devises

Markus Uhl, a student at Liberty University, was in possession of bombs, when he arrested at Falwell's funeral. It would be planned to demonstrate against the demonstrators, which could disrupt the festival to use.

A Pew poll shows that a small number of American Muslims are a minority of only 8 percent of suicide is acceptable under certain circumstances. The vast majority, 78 percent said suicide bombings against civilian targets is not acceptable.

Most Christians, 65 percent of Protestants and 72 percent of Catholics, we believe that torture is justified under certain circumstances. Nearly half of Americans, 46 percent believe it may be acceptable to deliberately against civilians in wartime. On average, 75 percent of Muslims in Egypt, Pakistan, Indonesia and Morocco believe that such attacks are acceptable.
Christians, the Crusades, the Inquisition, slave trade and imperial adventures too numerous to mention, too committed.


yaabro said...

Both, but do not give an excuse to live, be reused.

electros... said...

Set the Crusades and the Inquisition. For some reason, Catholics believe that the spread of Catholicism through violence would be a good idea. He became a religious war, though the Bible says:''Thou shalt not kill.''
For this reason and many others, I am not Catholic.
Well, the Muslims are bloody''.'' were misled by their leaders, they commit suicide, and some others. They kill others in the name of their God, something that really bothers me.

c7music1 said...

His numbers are ridiculous, which means that 72 percent of ... is completely wrong.

The fact is that Fans are fans, whether religious or not.

zeb6219 said...

Who knows. It was not put in place systems of belief and centuries before practicing this philosophy became available. While the cultures of the world's population and are dominated by men, it is war. Female only be through the pipe of peace, support, recognition of equality and participation as the only way this planet to remain regulated in the situation.

Error<06... said...

This test was bias, Muslims and Christians were asked several questions. Do not ask Muslims about their religion, torture, such as stoning, flogging, cutting the hands of thieves, etc. ... In my opinion, but the two religions are very bloody, but because Islam requires that actually the war against the infidels

Frontal Lobe said...

It would be interesting if you mentioned, carried out by whom and / or responsible for the investigation.

rt1290 said...

Most Muslims believe the fighting and killing is permitted only in self-defense. It is a sect of Islam, but who believe that killing people of another sect of Islam they will go to heaven (how sad and stupid, right?), So I'm sure everyone has learned that terrorists come from the first section I mentioned. Do not you know, all of us are not grouped with them. Most of us do not believe in the war against the infidels, etc.

johnnywa... said...

Which part of your hate speech here was really a fact?

dagah said...

It is a series of polls there. Where did you get the information. Aside from Fox or something.

chrisgaf... said...

As can be objectively measured? Not only with different aspects of Islam and Christianity, their positions on the use of force distinguished, but they should be dealing with different people with varying levels of commitment to the spiritual teachings of their faith. How can we judge whether Christians or Muslims are violent? And what is a Christian or a Muslim? Sunni and secular Saddam Hussein "Marxists are Muslims under Islam? Is this the downfall of Hitler with Christianity?" This is not guilt by association? And the Crusades, which were so political, as can be attributed to Christianity? Al-instance how to attribute suicide to Islam? both contrary to the teachings of the religions.

But again, this problem ISNIt tries to be objective. You want only those who believe in God.

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