I have a viewsonic v1250 tablet & my pen drags...what's wrong? - how does the viewsonic v1250 tablet work
[V1250 Tablet - ViewSonic] The spring is extended if it does not even touch the screen!
For example was when I write, and I will dot the letter "i", published in the line indicates the end of my letter at the beginning, where the "I" is dotted written. That might work if I raise my pen, then cut very high, but not normal!
What is wrong with my tablet? Is the pen?
How Does The Viewsonic V1250 Tablet Work I Have A Viewsonic V1250 Tablet & My Pen Drags...what's Wrong?
12:58 PM
This is distributed as a "pen bleed" and was in my first tablet PC, an HP TC1000.
The cause is too much pressure when writing or drawing which is usually then applied to the pen too deep into the rest of the healing mechanism of the pen has been used in push to remove the top and then again in the spring. Also, try with less pressure than with the stylus.
If this does not work, try these 2 forums to see more details, maybe someone else has reported similar problems.
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