Small Laptop Computers Is There A Small Computer(smaller Than A Laptop) Which Can Keep Power For More Than 5 Hours?

Is there a small computer(smaller than a laptop) which can keep power for more than 5 hours? - small laptop computers

Laptops are bulky and you go with your battery goes for about 2 hours. I need to access a smaller device to the Internet wherever I am like on my laptop and can be longer than 4 hours when fully charged. I just need something for Internet access as I can with my laptop. I do not know by phone or my cell phone or BlackBerry. I want a small computer. Also, how much do they cost?


rienkids said...

Buy a netbook. are tiny and the batteries last a long time. than it costs 299 to

WebKlyx DotCom said...

Apparently, the Asus with 9.5 hours of battery life! It seems that most meets your needs. Here is a list of all the netbooks on Amazon:

Ray said...

You can see the Mac Book Air to 1400 + works fine.

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