Creamy Diarrhea Toddler Is Constipated Or Has Diarrhea. What Could Be Wrong?

Toddler is constipated or has diarrhea. What could be Wrong? - creamy diarrhea

Most of the time my 22 months to the point where I have not stopped the suppositories. However, if the stones are not the shit, the consequences of severe diarrhea that lasts for a while has. Last week, it seems that I am, no matter what feed stern as a whole. This weekend was exhausted when a creamy white (?). This morning when he awoke and went to get the smell of something dead in her room and her ass was bright red from the back straight.
I called the doctor last few weeks and told him to give him a week and if they still pooping and recall food. He said that constipation is normal for their age.
I am a nuse and I've never seen such a thing, or a child goes through the hearing.
What is it?


Darcy said...

One of my children had a persistent problem of constipation, which is now under control, thank God. She woke up with terrible abdominal pain and diarrhea. The paper had an X-ray was done to (how much the long chair in the intestine was visible) and then followed the prescribed milk of magnesia laxative on the counter next day, then a daily dose of Miralax. He also needs a diet rich in fiber are trying, lots of fluids and go to the toilet after every meal ... to retrain your body. It took some time (somewhere around a year and a half) until they are no longer needed the drugs for all and has been for some time. I would take him to the doctor and ask him a few tests to see what happens, do. If absolutely chronic constipation, is the first ', S caught, the better. Good luck.

1 son- Marcus Jr.. ttc #2 said...

my son had something similar. Constipation bad time at which it rejected, returned for a time. Time is made for a week and a half. So I took him to a specialist and found nothing wrong, so I started him Miralax will be a help, to work there. I do not know if that can help when help is beacause stool softener, so go there, but you said you were bad diarrhea. But worth a try. I'm sorry if I couldnt help you hope all is well.

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